haha...仲有熊 bear bear 同鯊魚搏鬥啊~
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Movie - The Holiday 戀愛假期
今年好少睇戲. 琴晚無意中發現呢套電影, 仲記得以前朋友提過好好睇. 估唔到俾想像中仲正.
第一, 劇情都幾特別, 講2位失戀既女人交換屋企住2星期. Good Idea wor. 原來現實生活真係有架 2間屋我都好鍾意呀, 同埋個大泳池! 可唔可以只係借, 唔駛交換
第二, 睇靚仔靚女, Cameron Diaz 同 Jude Law 都好正
第三, 電影既配樂都好正,
Listen to your heart
Music Video
Kiss Goodbye
其實故事感情線既發揮唔算好好, 不過電影加配樂拍得好幸福溫馨 原來我都睇咗幾套呢位導演Nancy Meyers既戲. 好懷念啊, 要揾機會再回味 -
Something Gotta Give (2006)
What Women Want (2000)
The Parent Trap (1998)
Father of the Bride
Saturday, August 23, 2008
原來己經5年無掛9号波. 有位小朋友仲同我講佢印象中好似第一次經歷九号風球. 佢仲以為8号跟住就係10号, 完全無9号風既概念
一早就有報導話鸚鵡會係今年最厲害既風球. 前幾星期既台風我無預會打得成, 有上次既經驗, 當然諗住今次又有假放 早一日網上就流傳幾點幾點會掛幾号風, 趕緊互傳. 不過3号風球卻比預計遲了幾個鐘. 大家即時懷疑係咪流料, 其實應該仲要返多半日.
結果第2日7:40am先掛8号. 當時好似無乜風. 仲諗住落去supermarket買嘢食. 落到樓下先發覺風速極高. 周街既垃圾都被捲起. 我地係嚇到返屋企唔去super. 晚餐只好食粥
晚上到差唔多7pm 風勢加劇. 露台既大門好似就來比風吹破. 好嚇人 好彩鸚鵡唔係帶來好多雨水, 房間漏水既情況比上次少好多. 最奇怪係今日仲要出太陽啊
一早就有報導話鸚鵡會係今年最厲害既風球. 前幾星期既台風我無預會打得成, 有上次既經驗, 當然諗住今次又有假放 早一日網上就流傳幾點幾點會掛幾号風, 趕緊互傳. 不過3号風球卻比預計遲了幾個鐘. 大家即時懷疑係咪流料, 其實應該仲要返多半日.
結果第2日7:40am先掛8号. 當時好似無乜風. 仲諗住落去supermarket買嘢食. 落到樓下先發覺風速極高. 周街既垃圾都被捲起. 我地係嚇到返屋企唔去super. 晚餐只好食粥
晚上到差唔多7pm 風勢加劇. 露台既大門好似就來比風吹破. 好嚇人 好彩鸚鵡唔係帶來好多雨水, 房間漏水既情況比上次少好多. 最奇怪係今日仲要出太陽啊
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
最近2次靠聽聲音撞見beauty 媽同 Rowena.
星期六游完水出來在想 Joanne 唔知會唔會 pregnant, 就收到 Helen e-mail 話 Joanne pregnant, What a coincidence!
星期六游完水出來在想 Joanne 唔知會唔會 pregnant, 就收到 Helen e-mail 話 Joanne pregnant, What a coincidence!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sugar Dessert House
2008年8月8日 - 北京奧運開幕.
本來無諗過要睇開幕禮, 諗住都係悶.
不過大家都講到好似非睇不可. 攪到我都心動想睇. 一早聽到有d 公司可以早放睇開幕. 今朝望咗好耐, 終於等到老闆出e-mail 可以5點放.
不過之前無諗住睇, 今日約咗要跟 Beauty 媽 補返 set 頭返最後一堂. 我都係無機會睇 (alt)
今日要等 Model, 我唔想行街, 又買咗本雜誌坐係尖東噴水池邊睇. 估唔到夏天坐係噴水池邊都可以幾舒服.
我地好早之前就係天橋上見到Sugar Dessert House既廣告, 好似好吸引. 不過返學攪到遲, 人又攰, 次次都無機會去. 難得今日星期五, 可以去享用下. 今日難得尖沙咀唔多人啊~
好彩離開前問咗Beauty媽同同學既意見, 難得過海, 我地好多嘢都想試.
本來無諗過要睇開幕禮, 諗住都係悶.
不過大家都講到好似非睇不可. 攪到我都心動想睇. 一早聽到有d 公司可以早放睇開幕. 今朝望咗好耐, 終於等到老闆出e-mail 可以5點放.
不過之前無諗住睇, 今日約咗要跟 Beauty 媽 補返 set 頭返最後一堂. 我都係無機會睇 (alt)
今日要等 Model, 我唔想行街, 又買咗本雜誌坐係尖東噴水池邊睇. 估唔到夏天坐係噴水池邊都可以幾舒服.
我地好早之前就係天橋上見到Sugar Dessert House既廣告, 好似好吸引. 不過返學攪到遲, 人又攰, 次次都無機會去. 難得今日星期五, 可以去享用下. 今日難得尖沙咀唔多人啊~
好彩離開前問咗Beauty媽同同學既意見, 難得過海, 我地好多嘢都想試.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
On Air
琴晚難得10點見周公. 一早起來卻意外得了一日8号風球既休假. 8号風居然係中午時間最接近本港. 終於把房間收拾好後, 唔知做乜好, 最後忍唔住上癮追劇集.
之前有聽過人講On Air 好睇. 一開始個內容都幾特別. 雖然金荷娜演一位好討人厭既大牌女星, 不過不得不佩服佢既演技.
上次旅行睇咗好多台灣資料, 一眼就認出有幾幕係日月潭既涵碧樓拍攝. 劇集把太陽下既日月潭拍得好美好闊 仲有阿里山櫻花下既火車軌, 好靚啊. 我的心又再一次飛往台灣
餐廳個場講到女人要靚都付出代價, 到底值得嗎
諗咗好耐先記得宋允兒就係情定大飯店既女角. 不過佢既表情依舊係同一個樣.
好少睇韓劇唔係主力愛情故事. 反而俾2位女角吸引. 一口氣煲咗8集. 每集無廣告都有一個鐘. 仲要有21集. 雖然好好睇, 不過奉勸各位唔想放太多時間睇電視就唔好開始追啦
On Air Songs
之前有聽過人講On Air 好睇. 一開始個內容都幾特別. 雖然金荷娜演一位好討人厭既大牌女星, 不過不得不佩服佢既演技.
上次旅行睇咗好多台灣資料, 一眼就認出有幾幕係日月潭既涵碧樓拍攝. 劇集把太陽下既日月潭拍得好美好闊 仲有阿里山櫻花下既火車軌, 好靚啊. 我的心又再一次飛往台灣
餐廳個場講到女人要靚都付出代價, 到底值得嗎
諗咗好耐先記得宋允兒就係情定大飯店既女角. 不過佢既表情依舊係同一個樣.
好少睇韓劇唔係主力愛情故事. 反而俾2位女角吸引. 一口氣煲咗8集. 每集無廣告都有一個鐘. 仲要有21集. 雖然好好睇, 不過奉勸各位唔想放太多時間睇電視就唔好開始追啦
On Air Songs
Out of Reach (Gabrielle) from Bridget Jones's Diary)
Verse 1
Knew the signs wasn’t right
I was stupid, for a while
Swept away, by you
And now I feel like a fool
So confused
My heart’s bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn’t see
We were never met to be
Verse 2
Catch myself, from despair
I could drown if I stay here
Keeping busy, everyday
I know I will be ok
But I’m
So confused
My heart’s bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn’t see
We were never met to be
So much hurt, so much pain
Takes a while to regain
What is lost inside
And I hope that in time
You’ll be out of my mind
I’ll be over you
And know I’m
So confused
My heart’s bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn’t see
We were never met to be
Out of reach, so far,
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There’s a life out there for me
Knew the signs wasn’t right
I was stupid, for a while
Swept away, by you
And now I feel like a fool
So confused
My heart’s bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn’t see
We were never met to be
Verse 2
Catch myself, from despair
I could drown if I stay here
Keeping busy, everyday
I know I will be ok
But I’m
So confused
My heart’s bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn’t see
We were never met to be
So much hurt, so much pain
Takes a while to regain
What is lost inside
And I hope that in time
You’ll be out of my mind
I’ll be over you
And know I’m
So confused
My heart’s bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn’t see
We were never met to be
Out of reach, so far,
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There’s a life out there for me
All The Love in the World / The Corrs (from America's Sweethearts)
I'm not looking for someone to talk to
I've got my friend, I'm more than O.K.
I've got more than a girl could wish for
I live my dreams but it's not all they say
Still I believe (I'm missing) I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me...
(Don't wanna wake...) Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give... all the love in the world
I've often wondered if love's an illusion
Just to get you through the loneliest days
I can't criticize it
I have no hestitaion
My imagination just stole me away
(Still...) Still I believe
(I'm missing) I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me...
(Don't wanna wake...) Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give... all the love in the world
Love's for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away
Yeah I'm only human
And nights grow colder
With no-one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me...
(Don't wanna wake...) And i won't wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world
(Don't wanna wake up alone anymore...)
fade out
I've got my friend, I'm more than O.K.
I've got more than a girl could wish for
I live my dreams but it's not all they say
Still I believe (I'm missing) I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me...
(Don't wanna wake...) Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give... all the love in the world
I've often wondered if love's an illusion
Just to get you through the loneliest days
I can't criticize it
I have no hestitaion
My imagination just stole me away
(Still...) Still I believe
(I'm missing) I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me...
(Don't wanna wake...) Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give... all the love in the world
Love's for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away
Yeah I'm only human
And nights grow colder
With no-one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me...
(Don't wanna wake...) And i won't wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world
(Don't wanna wake up alone anymore...)
fade out
American Pie
A long long time ago I can still remember
How that music used to make me smile
And I knew that if I had my chance
I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
Did you write the book of love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so
Now do you believe in rock 'n roll
And can music save your mortal soul
And can you teach me how to dance real slow
Well, I know that you're in love with him
Cuz I saw you dancin' in the gym
You both kicked off your shoes
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues
I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck
But I knew that I was out of luck
The day the music died
I started singing
Bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this will be the day that I die
This will be the day that I die
I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away
Well, I went down to the sacred store
Where I'd heard the music years before
But the man there said the music wouldn't play
Well now in the streets the children screamed
The lovers cried and the poets dreamed
But not a word was spoken
The church bells all were broken
And the three men I admire the most
The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
They started singing
Bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this will be the day that I die
This will be the day that I die
Bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this will be the day that I die
This will be the day that I die
We started singin'
We started singin'
We started singin
How that music used to make me smile
And I knew that if I had my chance
I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while
Did you write the book of love
And do you have faith in God above
If the Bible tells you so
Now do you believe in rock 'n roll
And can music save your mortal soul
And can you teach me how to dance real slow
Well, I know that you're in love with him
Cuz I saw you dancin' in the gym
You both kicked off your shoes
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues
I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck
But I knew that I was out of luck
The day the music died
I started singing
Bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this will be the day that I die
This will be the day that I die
I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
But she just smiled and turned away
Well, I went down to the sacred store
Where I'd heard the music years before
But the man there said the music wouldn't play
Well now in the streets the children screamed
The lovers cried and the poets dreamed
But not a word was spoken
The church bells all were broken
And the three men I admire the most
The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died
They started singing
Bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this will be the day that I die
This will be the day that I die
Bye bye Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin' this will be the day that I die
This will be the day that I die
We started singin'
We started singin'
We started singin
Sunday, August 3, 2008
扭計骰 Rubik's Cube
屋企放咗個扭計骰好耐, 都無認真玩過. 琴日忽然興趣來了,在網上尋找破解方法.
不過呢d網站我都試咗好耐先明佢講乜. 一 miss 咗一 d step, 就會錯晒, 要有頭來過.
到第3層破解法我睇唔明d圖, 所以轉咗跟呢個網站
今早終於成功 不過第一層我識破解, 第2層同第3層我仲係要靠圖先識做啊
不過呢d網站我都試咗好耐先明佢講乜. 一 miss 咗一 d step, 就會錯晒, 要有頭來過.
到第3層破解法我睇唔明d圖, 所以轉咗跟呢個網站
今早終於成功 不過第一層我識破解, 第2層同第3層我仲係要靠圖先識做啊
新玩具 - Panasonic Nanocare 奈米離子美顏器
之前已經對舊model 既蒸面機有興趣, 不過要成千元唔捨得買. 今年難有機會再去旅行, 為免好似去年 d mileage 過期唔記得用既事件再發生, 急忙換埋今年到期既mileage. 居然發現最近加咗好嘢.
去到Panasonic shop 先知原來有新 model 出. 比舊model仲貴.
Shopkeeper 話最好用蒸餾水. 成日係泠氣房, 或者工作忘忙到唔記得飲水, 都要靠佢改變水嫩肌膚同收細毛孔
去到Panasonic shop 先知原來有新 model 出. 比舊model仲貴.
Shopkeeper 話最好用蒸餾水. 成日係泠氣房, 或者工作忘忙到唔記得飲水, 都要靠佢改變水嫩肌膚同收細毛孔
Saturday, August 2, 2008
琴日游水沖涼時忽然覺得腳軟, 坐咗一陣先敢離開泳池. 唔通人越大身子毛病會越多. 定係我平時沖慣凍水涼, 沖暖水唔適應
自從媽咪病咗之後, 我出街食飯既次數寥寥可數. 琴日先食返愛麗絲過咗幾個禮拜既生日飯. 愛麗絲提議食燒鳥亭或備長. 我貪近選咗燒鳥亭.
Open Rice 既 comments 好壞參半. 都有d擔心唔好食.
好彩有訂台, 去到好多台都俾人訂咗. 我地點咗
** 食物俾預期好好多. 即得推薦.
** 服務都好, 不停幫加茶.
** 我仲諗住會唔飽, 去之前仲打底食薯條. 食完後行咗一陣都仲好飽肚 想唔肥就假啦. 仲要係都好熱氣. 咁難先清咗d暗瘡, 聽日睇怕又來了
是日每人約$230. 可惜除咗有d如鵝肝可以單點外, 其他都要2支2支咁 order. 4個人share 會好d.
返屋企經過 ok 店仲忍唔住買咗Ben & Jerry 雪糕, 不過當然唔係今日食啦
返到屋企都仲睇到港男濕身part, 今年既港男好睇啊
自從媽咪病咗之後, 我出街食飯既次數寥寥可數. 琴日先食返愛麗絲過咗幾個禮拜既生日飯. 愛麗絲提議食燒鳥亭或備長. 我貪近選咗燒鳥亭.
Open Rice 既 comments 好壞參半. 都有d擔心唔好食.
好彩有訂台, 去到好多台都俾人訂咗. 我地點咗
- 牛舌
- 雞翼 (皮好脆 )
- 白鱔
- 帶子王 (雪既無味道)
- 栗米 (好大個)
- 七味北海道寄貝 (即海螺), 每支有4個, 俾想像多.
- 稻亭烏冬
- 燒湯圓 (第一次食燒甜品, 好好味, 連隔離台既男士都問我地好唔好食)
** 食物俾預期好好多. 即得推薦.
** 服務都好, 不停幫加茶.
** 我仲諗住會唔飽, 去之前仲打底食薯條. 食完後行咗一陣都仲好飽肚 想唔肥就假啦. 仲要係都好熱氣. 咁難先清咗d暗瘡, 聽日睇怕又來了
是日每人約$230. 可惜除咗有d如鵝肝可以單點外, 其他都要2支2支咁 order. 4個人share 會好d.
返屋企經過 ok 店仲忍唔住買咗Ben & Jerry 雪糕, 不過當然唔係今日食啦
返到屋企都仲睇到港男濕身part, 今年既港男好睇啊
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