今年好少睇戲. 琴晚無意中發現呢套電影, 仲記得以前朋友提過好好睇. 估唔到俾想像中仲正.
第一, 劇情都幾特別, 講2位失戀既女人交換屋企住2星期. Good Idea wor. 原來現實生活真係有架
第二, 睇靚仔靚女, Cameron Diaz 同 Jude Law 都好正
第三, 電影既配樂都好正
Listen to your heart
Music Video
Kiss Goodbye
其實故事感情線既發揮唔算好好, 不過電影加配樂拍得好幸福溫馨
Something Gotta Give (2006)
What Women Want (2000)
The Parent Trap (1998)
Father of the Bride
Oh thax 4 reminding me of this movie that i wanted to c: wanna see the other male actor, he is usually very funny!