Monday, March 31, 2008
水波蕩漾30 秒速成....
2.上傳一張圖片後,點 upload now
3.等30 秒馬上產生水波蕩漾倒影...
4.複製網站提供的語法,貼進『HTML 模式』
Apply Lake Effect to your Picture
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Rugby Seven
包廂既仲有嘢食, 好彩無食嘢去.
前邊係南看台, 18歲以下人士唔可以去南看台. 唔知係咪個度d係超級粉絲, 行為激烈. 都見到好多人掉水球.
有d公司整咗公司衫, 仲送我地每人一件. 鬼佬公司洗$$$都係唔同d. 今日好熱啊. 有件短袖衫可以換啦
我地始終唔係fans,只係睇咗Zimbabwe 對香港, Korea對Russia 2場. 呢2場都唔係太精彩. 原來3日內要完成所有賽事. 雖然每場賽事唔長, 日日都有好多場, d球員真係辛苦.
行出到Denmark都有2位妹妹仔問我地有無Re-entry ticket. 咁都俾佢地諗到.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Macau Hotel Visit
只係船上既冷氣實在太涷. 今日既talk 都唔錯. 不過d講者都幾young.
Lunch 去咗星際食buffet. 不過不失. 係人唔多, 地方夠大, 食得舒服. 原先想食金沙既buffet, 唯有留返下次.
我地食完都成3點幾先開始行酒店. 原來MGM同永利就係隔離, 好快可以行晒. 一去到永利就見到Jess推介既show. 我琴日己經睇晒佢既video.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Farewell Dor-dor 去日本讀書
唔記得有幾耐無去唱k. 終於記起最後一次唱k 係同阿 Po 同 Mickey 一齊. 估唔到今次見到好多好耐無見既人 - Rita, Solomon...... Solomon 係Giordano做, Hoi Ying 就係 Bossini 做. Giordano 做嘢好似唔錯.
臨時買咗Lamy 原子筆俾dor-dor, 都要成$200 支. 諗住實用ma.... Dor-dor 去Lamma island 居然撞到 prudence, 呢個世界真係細.
Monday, March 24, 2008
今日又再次出去走走. 去了auntie 在維景灣畔的新家. 好耐無去過將軍澳. 一踏入維景灣畔, 就給它一排的氣勢懾住了. 去到auntie 家感覺好舒服, 又有微風. 在媽子和auntie聊天的同時, 我又可以繼續在沙發上夢周公.
而且仲撞返舊同事, 差d 連名都唔記得. 我地都應該有5年無見lor.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
媽子買咗好多$5-$10 盤小花, 唔同colours. 放埋一堆好靚. 等媽子整好後再post相.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
天使與魔鬼 Angels & Demons (Dan Brown)
唔知會唔會有電影版呢? 有d 地方我仲未睇明啊. 期待有一場精彩的有聲影畫.
從廣州回來的晚上, 塞在棉被下的我居然打冷震, 心諗這次要病了. 第2朝一起身先來痰. 有諗過請病假, 但見痰都吐了出來, 病情應該唔嚴重. 而且咁多日無係公司, 再返埋個日又係復活長假, 都係返工做嘢. 下午自己知自己事, 都係趕緊睇醫生. 不過老闆開會咁耐都未完, 結果都攪成四點幾先走.
好難得去到醫生處無人. 姑娘仲自動自覺寫 receipt. 我差唔多返到屋企先醒起唔記得拿醫生紙. 我同醫生都諗住係小病, 醫生有問過我有無咳, 發燒, 要唔要其他藥. 我諗住只係一般既小傷風, 無要其他藥. 醫生仲特地開多一日傷風藥俾我. 點知到晚飯我就開始腳軟, 瞓個陣仲發燒.
呢幾日同仁堂都減輕唔到病情. 全身都感到痛, 好需要massage. 仲諗起自己最近跑來跑去都忘了食Vitamin C.
第3日傷風好好多, 不過就轉咗喉嚨痛, 講唔到嘢. 難得復活節長假, 卻要滯留在家中. 連天都下大雨, 點都無機會行山.
1. 細路話會唔會係佢傳染俾我 唔多似,因為我返來後同佢接觸既機會只有幾分鐘.
2. 人太攰? 在廣州淋雨,現在才發病. 那我要感激返到香港先發病
3. Jo-an 叫我唔好食雞. 我才醒起我在廣州最後一餐食咗 Chicken Burger. 唔同就係個飽累事, 中咗chick flu?
定係咁多個原因加埋一起, 形成大病
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Guangzhou Furniture show
This year Guangzhou Furniture Show is much better than last year. We couldn't finish the show in one day. Many local Chinese also exhibit in the show, and their designs also show great improvement. Even my UK buyer thinks this show is better than Malaysia show. As a Chinese, I feel proud with what they are doing.
But the show is so crowded. There are even hawkers coming in and selling accessories like magnifier!!! I tried to leave the show earlier, but there is no clear direction where the hotel shuttle bus is, even the park security does not know about the place. We have walked for long way, under the rain for the bus stop. On the way, some foreigners also ask me for the taxi location. The worst thing is there is no taxi at all!!!
Until we got to the bus stop, the bus is already gone, 15 mins before the original schedule of 6pm. Maybe the bus is already full. However, I'm completely lost as I know we won't be able to get a taxi in this messy situation. For the first time in my life, I'm in a situation which I have no idea what to do next. Both of us are too tired to walk back to take the subway.
Finally my buyer prefers to walk to the road to try getting a taxi. Then I saw another subway entrance nearby. Almost to the entrance, I saw some taxis, a foreign woman is holding a note and RMB$100 to the taxi, the pity thing is the driver doesn't understand English at all. We managed to get on this taxi after 3 group of foreign people asking for the taxi. At least my luck of the day are not gone yet. Everytime in Guangzhou show, I have to walk miles to find the right direction for taxi. This is the 3rd time I joined the show, but still as messy. Must complain to the organization to improve for next show.
The taxi driver said at this rush hour period, the taxi even cannot take care of the business within Guangzhou city. That's why nobody will drive far away to take the customers from exhibition centre. This driver is still good, I remember last year, every drivers are asking over RMB$100. In the end, of course this driver asked for more, but he only asked for RMB$50 instead of RMB$45. I feel very comfortable to give him the small extra.
After the dinner, we can still feel our legs so tired!!! Rebecca come to my room to watch TV because the TV in her room is broken down. She said our buyer is already 51 of age!!! o.. gosh... we are all amazed he can stand for 3 weeks' trip!!! I can understand now why he is so happy with the day off on Monday :) I'm glad I didn't make the decision to DG show.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Simplylife Bakery Cafe
好彩有位. 餐廳有話8:30pm 要交台. 不過今晚人唔多, 我地都可以坐得耐. 又一城實在太多人啦. 我係九龍塘落火車, 人頭人湧好似無位俾我踏出火車.
呢度d 麵包好好食. 好想encore.
3人叫咗2個湯 - 洋蔥湯同龍蝦湯 Lobster bisque($58), 龍蝦湯 - 正.
2個 main dish:
1. 芝 士 雞 肉 磨 茹 漢 堡 ($88) - 好味, 個包都脆, 粗薯條味道剛剛好, 正!!!
2. 松露麥麵 - 好好味
隔離台既salad好大碟. 我地都唔記得影相, 最後只係影咗甜品
Berry Cheese Cake - 好味
Choco Truffle Cake - 好好味 需然$25元細細個, 不過好好味好飽好滿足. 食咗咁多嘢每人都係$120. 下次一定再來試其他cake.
餐廳都有推介 Danish Croissant, 8點半後18元 3 個. 下次都可以來下午茶.