Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Guangzhou Furniture show

This year Guangzhou Furniture Show is much better than last year.   We couldn't finish the show in one day.  Many local Chinese also exhibit in the show, and their designs also show great improvement.   Even my UK buyer thinks this show is better than Malaysia show.   As a Chinese, I feel proud with what they are doing.   

But the show is so crowded.  There are even hawkers coming in and selling accessories like magnifier!!!   I tried to leave the show earlier, but there is no clear direction where the hotel shuttle bus is, even the park security does not know about the place.   We have walked for long way, under the rain for the bus stop.   On the way, some foreigners also ask me for the taxi location.    The worst thing is there is no taxi at all!!!

Until we got to the bus stop, the bus is already gone, 15 mins before the original schedule of 6pm.    Maybe the bus is already full.   However, I'm completely lost as I know we won't be able to get a taxi in this messy situation.     For the first time in my life, I'm in a situation which I have no idea what to do next.   Both of us are too tired to walk back to take the subway.  

Finally my buyer prefers to walk to the road to try getting a taxi.    Then I saw another subway entrance nearby.    Almost to the entrance, I saw some taxis, a foreign woman is holding a note and RMB$100 to the taxi, the pity thing is the driver doesn't understand English at all.     We managed to get on this taxi after 3 group of foreign people asking for the taxi.   At least my luck of the day are not gone yet.   Everytime in Guangzhou show, I have to walk miles to find the right direction for taxi.   This is the 3rd time I joined the show, but still as messy.   Must complain to the organization to improve for next show.

The taxi driver said at this rush hour period, the taxi even cannot take care of the business within Guangzhou city.   That's why nobody will drive far away to take the customers from exhibition centre.    This driver is still good, I remember last year, every drivers are asking over RMB$100.   In the end, of course this driver asked for more, but he only asked for RMB$50 instead of RMB$45.  I feel very comfortable to give him the small extra. 

After the dinner, we can still feel our legs so tired!!!    Rebecca come to my room to watch TV because the TV in her room is broken down.   She said our buyer is already 51 of age!!!  o.. gosh... we are all amazed he can stand for 3 weeks' trip!!!    I can understand now why he is so happy with the day off on Monday :)  I'm glad I didn't make the decision to DG show.


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