Tuesday, January 22, 2008

馬莎cheese cake - highly recommended

5pm @ Liverpool - the wind can almost blow us up.   Looks like a storm is coming.  Should we go?  3 of us end up holding together to cross the road behind to retail park opposite for store visit..   

咁大風我都諗要唔要call 的士車我地返對面酒店.     差點放棄蓮絲推介既馬莎cheese cake - £2.19 每盒2件, 咁大個女都未食過咁好味既cheese cake.    點解香港馬莎無?   我地幾飽都要食晒, 仲有Lipton tea bag 配 cheese cake.

第2日竟然風和日麗, 不過俾琴日凍 - 8:30a.m.  前面係酒店, 後面就係公司.

Sainsbury 找唔到我至愛Sainsbury brand 既cheese cracker, 丹尼斯幫我買咗呢盒.  唔記得香港係咪有得買, 不過好好食, 多謝丹尼斯~

去到機場阿美辦理機票, 我就幫佢睇行李.  無發現佢仲留咗notebook係行李旁邊.   阿美回來後, 係我身邊轉, 初時我仲以為佢留咗係旅行社.  好彩我馬上發覺counter既職員拿住個袋研究, 又嚇死人啦

仲有d 英鎊剩買咗佢.  不過唔好食~

Frankfurt機場令我失望, 同Munich airport 差好遠.  機場又唔靚, 又無晒 d 自助茶包.  貸品又唔多選擇,  買咗我喜歡既dark chocolate.  不過好睇唔好食~


  1. 您影 d 相幾靚喎, 我都係去過英國一次咋, 仲只係去左倫敦 2 日 (跟旅行團尾站), 下一次有機會會自由行去一至兩個禮拜既
    [版主回覆01/28/2008 23:20:00]Thanks!   I just use Canon 850 to take the photos.   The view there is quite dramatic, easy to take photo of the scenes.   Scotland is the best place I like.     I always want to go there again.  And of course we still have a lot of plan to Japan, Italy ......

  2. Do you know if there are any Sainsbury's stores in Hong Kong?
    [版主回覆02/26/2008 20:52:00]There is no Sainsbury store in HK.


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